Week 38! Last Week of School!

Well, we have made it to the final week of first week! It is hard to find words to describe what a pleasure and privilege it has been to teach your children this year.  They have grown so much and are now independent learners with great questions of wonder, curiosity, work ethic and virtue.  They all have worked so hard and are ready to be second graders! 

Thank you parents for committing your time and energy towards your child’s academic success.  It is a team effort and it has been a joy to work with all of you.  Thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered in and out of the classroom- we wouldn’t have had such a wonderful year without you! 

We’re ready to finish out the week with a bang! Here we go!  

Announcements(please read all of them :) 

·         Please make sure that all red book bags and leveled readers/chapter books are returned to class asap. These will be needed for future first graders.

·         Resist the Summer Slide: Resources and materials will be provided via email late this week to keep your child’s skills on par and ready for second grade. Please be on the lookout for this helpful email. 

·         Yearbooks will be sent home on Wednesday. You may send them back to school on Thursday and Friday as we will put aside some time to sign them. There will be extra signature pages provided for those who did not order a yearbook. 

·         Please have your child bring a favorite book to read with a partner on Thursday.

·         Please send your child's backpack in with them each day, even on half days. On half days please make sure to pack a snack and a water bottle with your child just like normal. 

·         Please have your child bring a baby picture on Friday for an activity during our class party.  Please write their name on the back of the photo.

·         On Thursday we will be completely cleaning out our desks so please expect your child to come home with many folders, books, and papers from throughout the year. 

·         On Friday, a pizza lunch will be provided for your child, this will include gluten and dairy free options. 


Poem: My Shadow by Robert Louis Stevenson  *Poetry recitation on 5/21 and 5/22 Idiom: Hit the Nail on the Head

Writing/Grammar: We will work on reciting "My Shadow" on 5/21 & 5/22 

Spalding: There will be 12 new words on Monday this week with review on Tuesday and a spelling test on Wednesday

Monday: pause, peace, permission, rough, social, society, steal, steel, strange, trophy, voices, voice 

phonograms: au, ea, si, ci, si, oi, ough, oy, ee, c

Math: In math this week we will finish our unit on money and take a chapter test. We will review math concepts taught throughout the year through different games and activities. On Thursday, students will visit a classroom "store" and practice buying different items using play money. 

Science: We will be finishing up science for the year with some fun static electricity experiments on Tuesday. 

Literature: This week we will read the adventures of Pinocchio and on Wednesday we will make our very own Pinocchio puppet!  On Thursday, scholars will bring a favorite book from home to share with a partner. Please label your child’s book with their name and ensure that the book is free of pop culture.  Thank you!
