Royalty for a Day!

Help our classroom win the “Royalty for a Day” contest!
You may have heard from your child by now that there is a “Royalty for a Day” contest underway, and your help is needed!  Archway Arete still needs $22,000 in tax credits to meet our $75,000 goal and here is how your child’s class wins, and what they will receive:
·         The classroom that brings in the most Tax Credit dollars by Great Hearts Day (2/14/18) will be Royalty for a day!
·         The teachers will be crowned royalty and receive gift cards.
·         The class will wear spirit shirts and receive a treat on the royal day to celebrate.
The top classes will be posted on the white board each Friday at pick-up and the winning classroom will be announced at the end of the day on Feb. 14th .  Leave no one out!  Ask grandparents, aunts, neighbors, coaches, and friends to give their Tax Credit to Archway Arete!  Here is the GIVING LINK:
